Thursday, May 22, 2008

+ g r a f i k : a t t i c f i l m s +

a motiongraphic done in oct 2007, took around 2 weeks on/off to complete it. a simple and direct graphical with musicsynchro which ends with my company's logo, kinda like a selfpromo. creating and preparation took up the most time, i wanted gauge the rate of my working speed(argh..apparently not fast) and also Hi-Defination output. planned on paper,created in illustrator, animated in AE and edited in FCPro. by some sheer luck i was able to synchro my visual and the musictrack. hm.. lets hope i can do up one or two more mograph this year.


jyh said...

MAN!!!! PRO SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edwinchiam said...

thnx for the comment :) need to shout lor...